1000 grit is for course grinding, and 3000 grit is for fine grinding. Keep your knives sharp and full of life with this sharpening technique used by many professionals.
When using the whetstone, first submerge it in a bowl of water and leave it to soak for 5 minutes. Throughout the process of sharpening make sure you have some water to hand to splash on the whetstone to keep it wet. You do not need to use any oil, only water.
To decide which grit you need to use you need to determine the bluntness of your knife. You will use 1000 grit to repair the seriously damaged edge, suitable for blunt knives. Hold the knife at an angle of 10-30 °, grind the edge on the surface of stone back and forth with gentle pressure, and sharpen it until the edge of the blade is sharp enough.
You then want to use grit 3000 this is a necessary step to eliminate burrs of the edge of the blade. Use more gentle pressure, repeat step 1, and repair the edge until smooth.